Catchin' Dinner

Catchin' Dinner Cass Lake, MN

Cass Lake, MN

After a good night's sleep, we woke up to a calm, sunny morning. We went up to Froggy's to get our fishing licenses and bait, and at around 10:30 Tom, Linda, Seth and Maddie hit the lake to try some fishing. We went along the shore of Star Island, closer to the middle point than where we had fished in the past. Although fishing wasn't great there, it wasn't bad either. After about 3 hours, we had pulled in 13 perch. Maddie spent most of the morning watching...trying to decide if fishing was for her. The verdict: yes, she wanted to get a fishing license too!

We spent the afternoon in the typical activities: fish cleaning, biking, reading, running, swimming, paddle boating, and game playing. We had a Santa Fe chicken dish for supper, and then Tom & Linda headed back out for more fishing. We were able to haul in another 6 perch, bringing our total for the day up to 19 perch. These will make a great fish dinner tomorrow night!