Posts in Biking
Empty Nest, Interrupted

As empty-nesters, we’ve been forced to give up the lives we had grown accustomed to. Gone are the days of simple meals for two, lower grocery bills, quiet evenings, empty guest rooms and uncluttered hallways. We now run the dishwasher once or twice a day instead of every other, find an empty coffee pot by mid-morning, and have given up our “assigned” chairs at the dinner table. Our empty nests have been interrupted.

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News from our Galaxy: 2019 Year-in-Review

Whether or not you’ve followed our earlier episodes, I hope you’ll take a moment to sit down with a bowl of popcorn (or Gummi Bears, Junior Mints, etc.), and catch this latest blockbuster! Trust me, there’s no need to review, or even know the characters, and you’ll find the plot easy to follow.

So here goes…(cue Star Wars music).

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...

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#Goals: What Riding and Writing have Taught Me (Part 2)

Two years ago my husband crushed his elbow in a biking accident. He was disappointed to miss out on what had become an annual tradition for us…the Michiana Ride for Hospice. While Tom, arm in sling, sat at the registration table, our son Seth took his place so I wouldn’t have to ride alone. (Truth be told, he was riding for the free beer at the after-party!)

Seth and I had a great time bonding through biking.

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#Goals: What Riding and Writing have Taught Me (Part 1)

Maybe it’s my Enneagram 7-ish-ness. Or the dreamer in me. But finding new things to start has never been the issue. It’s sticking it out to the finish that’s the real kicker.

I often start with gusto, but slowly lose steam as time goes on. It’s the way I do meal-planning, and gardening, and knitting, and several other pastimes. Self-discipline is hard. Stick-to-itiveness is not in my blood.

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Getting back to Front-Porch vulnerability

Our culture has become one of isolation and fear. We build fences to block out the noise of the world, to protect our children, and to keep strangers out. We avoid eye-contact with people. We prefer to close our windows and doors. We keep ourselves hidden. 

I wonder what would happen if more of us would open the windows and stick our necks out. What would happen if we sat on the front porch for all the world to see? 

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