Getting into Relax Mode

Getting into Relax Mode Cass Lake, MN

Cass Lake, MN

Sunday morning brought our first view of the Lake…calm and as beautiful as we had remembered it. Tom & Linda walked over to the lodge to check-in with Tony. Linda and Seth woke up with a little yoga session in the family room. Slowly everyone else started getting up, and after breakfast we headed over to church in Bemidji. We weren't thrilled with the selection of patriotic songs we sang for the upcoming Fourth of July, as we all prefer worship songs when in church, but the message given by one of the elders was quite good. After church the kids headed back to the resort in the van, and Tom & Linda went on into town to get the rest of our needed groceries. The rest of the day was just very relaxing. The kids played card games together. They went swimming for a little while. They practiced foreign languages on the internet. Several of us read books, and lounged on the lawn, looking out at the lake. We enjoyed Jared’s and Tom’s new hammocks which made for very comfortable reading and sleeping places. After a nice spaghetti and tortellini dinner, Chloe & Maddie went to try out the new kayaks (provided by Birch Villa). Tom got the fishing gear ready and we headed to bed, looking forward to our first fishing trip in the morning.