Posts tagged College
News from our Galaxy: 2019 Year-in-Review

Whether or not you’ve followed our earlier episodes, I hope you’ll take a moment to sit down with a bowl of popcorn (or Gummi Bears, Junior Mints, etc.), and catch this latest blockbuster! Trust me, there’s no need to review, or even know the characters, and you’ll find the plot easy to follow.

So here goes…(cue Star Wars music).

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...

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All the Right Moves: 5 Steps to a Smooth College Move-In

My husband and I have taken ballroom dancing lessons. We’re not very good. (We’re pretty bad, really.)

That’s likely because we’ve never gotten past the beginner stage. The instructor gives us the steps but when we try to put them to music, we always miss some and throw in extras. We’re expending so much energy in the process that we’re anything but graceful and exhausted when we’re finished.

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Diabetes Goes to College

After dropping Leah off at DePauw a month ago, I (like any parent of a new college student) have been asked numerous times, "How is she doing?" Naturally, friends and family are curious if she made "the right choice," if she's homesick, and if she is getting along with her roommate. Some may also wonder how she's managing with Type One Diabetes at college.

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