Type One Diabetes Turns 10—and the Dreaded 26. A New Struggle Emerges.

Most young adults walk into the world of health insurance with no health issues, or perhaps one or two minor ones. That was the case with our older children who had made this transition. While there was some stress, it was not unlike other stressors in their new adventure of adulting.

But young adults with Type 1 Diabetes (or other major health issues) have additional struggles.

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Forget the Pain and Anguish. Joy Gets the Final Word

“How did we get so lucky?” I asked my husband, as we took in the view. From the porch of our Minnesota cabin, “our lake” looked stunningly blue through the white birch and pine trees.

Our cabin on the lake was an unexpected dream come true at the end of last summer. And although it’s already given us many happy moments, and promises years of delight in the future, it hasn’t come without some pain and struggle.

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Ellie's Treasures

Ellie was feeling the weariness of carrying another baby. With three little girls already, she hoped this fourth one would be the boy her husband so wanted to help carry on the farming someday. Of course, she wouldn’t trade her girls for anything, but it was common knowledge that a girl couldn’t become a farmer. Farmwife? Yes. But farming was a man’s job.

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Someone’s Knockin’ at the Door; It’s Time for Winter to Go!

Here in southwest Michigan, Spring is springing! She’s donned her redbud trees with purple jewels (I wonder why they aren’t called Purplebuds?). My favorite tree of all–the dogwood–holds its blossoms in tight little fists, ready at any moment to open that door, throw open its hands with pink and white whisps and yell, “Surprise! I’m here!”

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By the time we got to picture day, my anxiety had rubbed off on everyone. We were all uptight, cranky, and not in the mood to smile. My kids were unruly and mischievous. In response, I was impatient and irritable. The only thing that rose higher than the pitch of my voice was my blood pressure. 

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