Comfort food and warm fires: savoring the moments before saying goodbye

We pass through the hills and valleys surrounding the Chohocton River as we head home from Corning, New York. Tom is driving, while I look out the window. Our son Seth and his wife Maddie sit quietly in the back seat. It’s hard to bring ourselves to talk after saying our final goodbyes to Morgan, knowing we will never see him again.

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When birds fly home

Last year at this time, I was a bit apprehensive about saying good-bye to my youngest, and beginning our new journey of empty-nesting...of living together in the quiet spaces of this big, hollow home. Turns out, with all of our flitting about (i.e. traveling) and feathering our nest (i.e. decluttering and a little redecorating), I'm amazed at how quickly the year has passed.

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In search of everything I need

Does anyone else get to that last day of vacation, and try to squeeze everything in, and run around trying to do it all, while you know in your heart you really just want to spend your last day relaxing but now it's too late because you spent the whole day trying to squeeze everything in and trying to do it all, and so when it's all over with you just end up feeling disappointed? Yep. That was me. That was us.

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