Posts in Faith
Forget the Pain and Anguish. Joy Gets the Final Word

“How did we get so lucky?” I asked my husband, as we took in the view. From the porch of our Minnesota cabin, “our lake” looked stunningly blue through the white birch and pine trees.

Our cabin on the lake was an unexpected dream come true at the end of last summer. And although it’s already given us many happy moments, and promises years of delight in the future, it hasn’t come without some pain and struggle.

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Someone’s Knockin’ at the Door; It’s Time for Winter to Go!

Here in southwest Michigan, Spring is springing! She’s donned her redbud trees with purple jewels (I wonder why they aren’t called Purplebuds?). My favorite tree of all–the dogwood–holds its blossoms in tight little fists, ready at any moment to open that door, throw open its hands with pink and white whisps and yell, “Surprise! I’m here!”

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Cruising, COVID, and the Constant of Easter

Our theme song for the week has been, “And another one gone, and another one gone. Another one bites the dust!”

The four of us are isolating together, much like we did two years ago on Easter Sunday, when both of our girls were sent home from college in March 2020. Our bucket-list vacation followed by a five days of COVID isolation during the holiest week of the year, has spurred reflections on our ever-changing Easter traditions, and the ever-constant reason we celebrate.

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