Feeling hot, hot, hot!

Since we’re all getting toasted (I mean, by the sun!), we aimed to get an earlier start fishing so we could be back before noon. Beth and Nicole joined Tom and me and at 8:15 we headed out for the Potato Islands area. We were surprised by our luck there, as we hauled in 3 rock bass, 1 bluegill and 7 perch in the first 2 hours. For the 3rd hour we tried the “Green House” area and were skunked. Around 11:11, with 11 fish in the livewell, we decided to call it good.


The temps kept rising during the day and hit the low 90s for most of the afternoon. Stepping out into the sunlight was brutal so we opted for the shady areas under trees, on the deck at the lodge, or in our air-conditioned cabins. We reminisced about the years (not too long ago) without A/C with temps like these and were thankful for modern amenities!

It was laundry day since our vacay is halfway done. I was sitting in the lodge waiting for the clothes to dry and figured it was time for an ice cream cone. I texted Tom and the girls and everyone showed up within minutes (I know how to make them move!). We ate our cold treats inside, as the heat outside would have turned them to soup in minutes.

The ice cream made me feel the need to move, but it was too hot for a bike ride. Instead, I asked Deb to join me on a kayak ride. We didn’t solve the world’s problems yet, but we are making progress. 😉


When I returned, Chloe and and her lake friend Andrea informed me it was time for my annual visit with Christie (Andrea’s mom). We love chatting together, even though it seems we only get to catch up on each other’s lives in one short visit a year, usually the Friday before they leave. They were planning to do some tubing and when they asked Leah and Chloe to join them, the answer was a no-brainer! So refreshing!

Friday is the evening we traditionally have dinner at Ruttger’s Birchmont Lodge and take our group bike ride around Lake Bemidji. But with temps still near 90 at 6:00 p.m., we decided to scrap the ride. We made reservations on the patio for 8:00, by which time the temps had dropped into a perfect range. It was a lovely evening. The only regret was that Bill wasn’t feeling well and had to miss the annual event.


Before we left, we enjoyed a little photoshoot…


…and admired the moon’s reflection on the peaceful lake.
