Trading in Fishing for Biking

After breakfast, Tom, Seth, Maddie and I headed to the Potato Islands area of the lake. After trying about three different spots for about three hours, and coming up with only one perch and some sunburn, we decided to trade in our fishing clothes for biking clothes.

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Tom and I wanted to try riding around Cass Lake, something he and Jared had done two years ago, but I had never attempted. We left at about 2:40, and returned home 3 hours later (approx. 2 hours 15 min riding, and the remainder resting and taking photos). The 32.5-mile ride was great, with fairly smooth (some newly paved) roads, minimal traffic and awesome scenery. We especially enjoyed the peaceful views of the Mississippi River.

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Seth and Maddie had their own excitement this evening, as they met with a "mobile notary" at the resort lodge and closed on their first house. They are now proud homeowners!

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After some chicken tacos (meat made in the crockpot which was a super simple vacation dinner!), we were all pretty tired, so decided not to try our (bad) luck at fishing again, and just relaxed in the cabin for the evening.