All in the Family

All in the Family Cass Lake, MN

Cass Lake, MN

Along with Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner, the family picnic at the lake ranks right up there with the best meals of the year.

After we all attended church together in Bemidji, our various families came back to the resort, and after a quick photo shoot, we each started preparing our part of the picnic. Paul and Melissa and her parents (Barb & Tom) brought the famous "parsley bread," fruit salad and deviled eggs; my mom & dad brought a yummy potato dish; we brought a huge salad; and cake for dessert was provided by Deb & Roy. According to tradition, we all brought our own pork chops to grill.

The weather was beautiful, so after dinner we all enjoyed various lake-side activities, i.e. swimming, skiing, tubing, kayaking, biking...and just watching...while visiting, knitting, and swatting bugs on our legs. Tom replaced his bike tire tube (for the second time this week), and was frustrated to find a slit in his tire. This means another trip back to the bike store tomorrow and no bike ride for him today...breaking his "one ride every day of vacation" string.

This is Seth's and Maddie's last day at the lake, so the two of them went out for a "date night" at Canal House Restaurant at Stony Point. Then we all watched "The Lego Movie" together at the lodge...something we've promised the kids we'd do all week. It was pretty fun and entertaining.

Here at the is good.