The Gang's All Here!

The Gang's All Here! Cass Lake, MN

Cass Lake, MN

Happy 4th of July! It's a little different celebrating a holiday on vacation, since EVERY day feels like a holiday...

We started our day with some fishing (what else?), as Tom, Seth & I went out to Allen's Bay. We were hoping to fish the same spot as yesterday, but the wind made that pretty impossible. We fished over the "Boomerang" instead, and were able to pull in four rock bass, two perch and one crappie! I always get super excited when we catch crappie here, as there just aren't many in this lake. Seth made the lucky catch this time.

We quit fishing early so that Tom could set out on a big bike ride. In order to save driving an extra car, and to give him some good biking time, he decided to ride his bike and meet the rest of the family at Zorbaz. He made the 47-mile trip in about 3.5 hours (plus an ice cream stop in Walker), and was rewarded with amazing Zorbaz pizza and a nice cold beer. We were all happy to see Jared again, who met us there after his drive from Madison, Wisconsin, and will join us for the second week of vacation.

Back at the resort, we enjoyed fireworks and sparkler fun...all in all it was a great 4th of July!