Blowin' in the wind

Blowin' in the wind Cass Lake, MN

Cass Lake, MN

Although our sunshine has given way to a few clouds, and our calm waters have become rough with the wind, the weather remains beautiful! This has been one of the nicest years we've been here, temperature-wise, and so far, no rain (although it is in the forecast).

So today was another typical day. We got up around 8:00, and since the girls were not interested in fishing, Tom & I headed out by ourselves at 10:00-ish. It was nice and quiet in the boat without all the kids, but of course, that means we didn't catch much either! Waters were choppy, so we headed over to the shore of Star Island again, and only ended up with 4 perch. We did help one guy rescue his run-away pontoon though, so that kept things interesting. We headed home at 12:30, since Mom & Dad K were getting ready to leave and we wanted to say good-bye.

We chatted for a bit at their cabin and heard the hilarious fish story of how mom thought she had a huge fish, turned out she just had the motor, how everyone worked to get her line off, and how they finally cut it, and then how they handed her her hook/line and her pole, and she decided to toss the hook/line into the water so she could reel it in...not realizing it was no longer attached to her pole! Beth, Bill, Mom, Dad & the kids were all laughing hysterically...and we got a kick out of the story too!

The afternoon was spent looking out at the lake, reading, chatting, kids swimming, and Tom taking a bike ride around Lake Bemidji (of course) after getting his broken spoke from yesterday's ride fixed. He then drove home and we all headed back to Bemidji for a family dinner out at Ruttger's Birchmount Resort. We took Beth & Bill's family with us, since they had never been there, and we all had a great time. Enjoying the weather and the view of the lake over dinner was so relaxing, we just had a hard time getting up to leave. We finally decided we better head home, as we knew we first had to make the traditional stop to see Paul Bunyan and Babe the Blue Ox. We shot some photos of the kids (and Bill!) with Paul and Babe, and headed back to Birch Villa. A great time was had by all.