Another great day at the lake...

Went fishing this morning, Tom, Seth & I. We caught 9 fish (5 rockies, 3 perch & 1 nice bluegill) which we ate for supper tonight--Yum! It was a really windy morning, so we gave up early and headed in. I then took off for Bemidji with Mom & Beth for a little more shopping (wanted to take advantage one more time of that no clothing tax in MN deal!). Tom and the kids enjoyed a relaxing afternoon at the resort, reading, tubing, swimming, playing volleyball...the usual.

By the time we got home from Bemidji, it was looking a bit overcast, and within an hour there was a full-blown thunderstorm. The rain continued off and on most of the evening so we opted out of fishing tonight. Instead, Tom and I walked up to Beth & Bill's cottage to play "Quelf." We had a hilarious time, doing some embarrassing things, that we are happy are not on video tape! We then met Mom and all the kids for ice cream at the the Sah-kah-tay lodge. Only one more day of real vacation...