Rhubarb wine, high winds & farewells

It gets windier every day. We woke up to white caps on the lake, and although the sun was shining, it was just too windy to fish. So Tom & Linda and Deb & Roy headed out to the ForestEdge Winery (north of Walker). We sampled many great wines, all made from fruits, including rhubarb (our favorite), blueberries, strawberries, chokeberries, etc. Since grapes can't grow in this climate, they use the fruits that they can grow. We had a really fun time. In the meantime, Beth & Bill took William, Nicole & Leah around Pike Bay on bikes, while Jared babysat the younger kids. When we arrived home, it still wasn't good fishing or skiing weather, so everyone found their own form of relaxation or fun around the resort. Tomorrow, all of our family leaves, and we will be on our own for the next week. The kids are all enjoying a scavenger hunt right now as we watch the weather channel in the lodge. A storm is coming from Bemidji and we are anxiously awaiting its arrival. (to be cont'd...)

Friday, July 11, cont. Well the storm DID come. It poured for 10-15 minutes and the winds really blew. We found out later that evening that the winds had blown down several trees, including many on the North side of the lake, one of which landed on Glen & Pat's boat. The tree was later removed, but damage had been done to both the boat and the trailer. They weren't sure if they would be able to take it home or not the next morning.

After the storm, we gave our kids some frozen pizza for supper and headed off to Tutto Bene's (an Italian restaurant the guy at the Winery had recommended) in downtown Bemidji, with Beth & Bill, for a very nice, relaxing and delicious dinner. We decided it beat Applebees (where Mom & Dad and Glen & Pat have gone the past few years--maybe we can change their tradition next year!). On our way home we stopped by Horseshoe to see the damaged boat and say good-bye to that half of the gang (as they'll be leaving in the morning).