Getting into vacation mode!

Today, Wednesday, was a beautiful morning. Things warmed up nicely right away, and we headed out for fishing by late morning with Tom, Linda, Seth & Bill T. in the boat. We went back to the Potato island area, and after about 3 hours came home with 12 decent fish (some perch, some rock bass). The kids joined the little fishing contest in the harbor, and Kara G. was excited to catch the biggest fish, while William T. won the littlest fish award. Landon N. (the owner's son) won the most fish caught with 22! Grandma & Pat had come to join us, so after the contest we all headed for our cabins to stay dry during a brief downpour. After the sun came out the kids headed out for tubing, kneeboarding and skiing. I was assigned to child-care duties, so Zachary and I headed over to the lodge deck to work on this blog. He loves to talk and can pretty much entertain himself in any situation! It's getting overcast again, and the boat should be coming home soon, and then it will be off to make supper and nothing to do but enjoy some relaxation around the cabin/lodge tonight (maybe watch a video, read a book, knit, play a card game, etc.). Ahh...we're definitely getting into the vacation mode!