Striving for a Servant's Heart: How to Care for Young and Old

…I poured out my own servant-love on my children. It was hard work and though I complained and often grew tired, fully giving of myself had its own rewards. I watched as my children grew, learned, and became less dependent on me.

Then the tables turned. As my children needed less of me, my parents needed more.

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Surviving 2020: the Strength of the Pivot

You know how it seemed like everyone was choosing a “Word for 2020” when January rolled around? Is it too late to jump on that bandwagon?

It may be cheating for me to pick my word of the year when the year is two-thirds over, but hey, I still have four months to make it my focus. And maybe I’ll carry it over to 2021, in which case I’m four months early! So I’m going for it.

Without further ado…

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