Tales of a Typical Tuesday


Even though the wind was still blowing, there were no white caps this morning, so Tom and I headed for Pike Bay to test the waters. Fishing was slow, but we ended with a fair catch (1 rock bass, 6 perch). We enjoyed the sights in the channel: a couple families of geese and a couple of turtles out sunning. (Sadly, the usual log we see them on every year had disappeared.)


We spent the afternoon in our usual lake activities. Leah and Nicole went on a kayak ride together and while they were “solving the world’s problems,” they saw what looked like baby loons; a good sign that the world is still okay. (Further research revealed they actually saw baby Goldeneye ducks!) There was more “cousin time” happening with Chloe and Elise, who worked on addressing Elise’s graduation announcements with fancy calligraphy.

When evening came, it was time for double-date night. Tom and I introduced Beth and Bill to one of our new favorites, Turtle River Chophouse. The weather was perfect for eating outside on the patio.

As we headed back to the resort, I recalled that last year we had seen several deer on our way home, so everyone was on the lookout. With the four of us watching, we counted 18 deer along the road on our half-hour drive.

We came home to find a cabin full of kids, as our girls and the T-kids spent our time away playing games together and socializing.