Any way the wind blows...doesn't really matter to me

We had plans to make today our first fishing day.

The wind had other plans.

After breakfast, Tom buzzed up town to get the minnows. We put our rods and reels together. I attached the jigs. We filled our travel mugs with coffee, water bottles with water, and put them all in our beat-up, tried-and-true, blue soft-sided cooler. We added a snack, some tissues, cleaning wipes, and our lake map. I put new batteries in my Garmin and hung it around my neck.

It was sunny, so we sprayed on the sunblock. I donned my life-jacket, fishing hat, and sunglasses. Tom took the first load down to the boat…poles, tackle box, net, minnows. I grabbed my camera and the old soft-sided cooler and walked out the door.

As I sauntered toward the boat dock, I glanced out at the lake. I stopped in my tracks and looked again. What had been a light breeze earlier in the morning was now a strong wind causing the waves to fall one over the other, flashing their white caps and daring us to meet them.


When I pointed out the rough waters to Tom, he was as surprised as I was to see how things had changed. We quickly agreed that our first fishing trip of the year, one that is already tense as we relearn the ropes and acclimate to the boat, should not be in this wind.

That is how our First Fishing Day of 2020 became our First Lazy Day at the Lake of 2020.

I took my coffee mug up to Beth’s cabin and after removing the Mayfly (they are everywhere, and very clingy this year!), I sipped my morning brew while we visited.


The rest of the day was spent reading, blogging, and chatting. By late afternoon Tom was restless enough to take a short bike ride. Chloe played some beach volleyball with her cousins and others. And Leah tried water skiing behind Uncle Bill’s boat (she reportedly got up for a couple of seconds).


Even though the day was slow, it was not without entertainment. The two eagles atop the tree just behind our cabin drew a mid-morning crowd as they posed for several photo ops.


And the cute kids next door (i.e. Ben and Elle) weren’t camera-shy either. When I picked up my camera, Ben blew several bubbles, quickly said “Cheese!” and then blew more bubbles. Elle giggled as she chased bubbles and we all giggled as we watched her. Too cute!


It was a pretty awesome First Lazy Day at the Lake. Maybe we’ll go fishing tomorrow.