Bless You and Keep You

Our Sunday started with more goodbyes. Seth, Maddie, and Ollie left for home this morning.


As has become our little family tradition whenever we say goodbye to Oliver, we sang “The Lord Bless You and Keep You.” After spending a whole week with him, this goodbye was a little harder than some. We will miss his chatter, giggles, and snuggles. And we’ll miss having Seth and Maddie around as well. Hopefully, Leah will catch as many fish as the two of them did together!


They pulled away around 8:00 a.m., after which I spent some quiet time on the porch, listening to my “Pray as you Go” daily devotion app and writing in a couple of journals. Spending quiet time at the lake is so good for the soul.

After church at the E-V Free of Bemidji, we started preparations for our picnic lunch. Today we decided to grill steak (for Tom and Leah) and salmon (for Linda & Chloe). I also contributed a Greek pasta salad and roasted veggies to share with the cousins. Our picnic group shrunk to only 13 today. Still, a good time and good meal was had by all!


Later in the afternoon, Deb, Leah G, and I rode the Migizi trail. As usual, the ride was beautiful with views of the lake, tall pines, and a variety of wildflowers. But after the 17-mile ride, I was covered with a lovely mix of sunblock, bug spray, sweat, and dirt. I was also frustrated by recurrent knee pain that flared up during and after the ride. Getting old isn’t fun, as I’m pretty sure it’s some arthritis or irritation from old injury. Maybe it’s just sympathy pains for my husband. Whatever the reason, I don’t like it! I spent the evening icing and babying my knee while the girls and I watched some silly Disney movie.